Budget, State

  1. By the Way . . . Fiscal Realities Post Deferrals

    As we discussed in our June 8, 2021, Fiscal Report article “ K–12 Deferrals May Be One-Time After All,” both the Governor and the
  2. AB 86 Allowable Uses

    Assembly Bill (AB) 86 introduced two new funding streams to local educational agencies (LEAs) using Proposition 98 resources—the In-Person
  3. AB 86’s Most Frequently Asked Questions

  4. Deal Reached on Reopening Grants

    On March 1, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a deal with the Legislature had been reached to provide $2.0 billion for In-Person
  5. SB 86 Provides Legislative Proposal for In-Person Instruction

    On February 18, 2021, the Legislature unveiled its proposal to address in-person instruction in identical bills— Senate Bill (SB) 86 and
  6. Biden Administration Unveils $1.9 Trillion Relief Package

    On the evening of Thursday, January 14, 2021, officials from President Joe Biden’s Administration unveiled the details of their touted $1.9
  7. State Proposes New CRF Deadline

    Along with the proposed Budget that Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled on Friday, January 8, 2021, his Administration also released proposed
  8. October 15 Deadline to Reduce Deferrals Passes with No Relief Package

    The 2020–21 Enacted State Budget includes language that gives the Director of the Department of Finance (DOF) discretion to avert cuts in
  9. 2020 Legislative Year Wrap-Up

    Wednesday, September 30, 2020, marked the end of an unprecedented legislative year that saw extended recesses and a significantly reduced
  10. Proposition 98—The Road Ahead

    More and more we hear about how unique this pandemic-induced recession is when compared to recessions of the past. Recent unemployment data