Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 10:30 AM

Two-Part Webinar Series
Human resources (HR) departments are responsible for activities spanning a wide range of personnel functions, and the operational procedures should be clearly communicated and consistently implemented to ensure operational effectiveness. Well communicated and consistently implemented procedures ensures compliance with employment law and informs employees of their responsibilities and the local educational agency (LEA) expectations. The current employment landscape requires HR departments to be responsive and strategic, and HR staff must be provided with ongoing professional learning opportunities that equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to ensure legal compliance and implementation of industry standards and best practice.
Recruitment and selection processes are a top HR priority as providing staffing resources for the LEA is one of its core functions, and arguably the most important responsibility of an HR department. The statewide staffing shortages, which have impacted LEA recruitment capabilities, require examination by nearly every LEA to ensure that practices align with their evolving hiring trends. Specifically, procedures related to recruitment, selection, and onboarding require a close look as they are directly related to hiring and attrition rates.
HR departments with effective operations and systems provide structure, internal controls, consistency, fairness, and reasonableness. The essential functions of an HR department are managed through operational procedures. This webinar, designed for both the chief HR officer and HR technical staff, covers essential HR operations with a focus on recruitment strategies.
Webinar Topics
- HR department procedures and policy management
- Recruitment and retention
- Employee classification
- Onboarding and orientation
- Employee training and development
- New and emerging HR issues
Non-clients: $550 per attendee
Program Ends: 10:30 AM